Assesment Plan


The first assessment tool I will use will be observing and taking notes of the children’s progress. During the development of the different activities, I will observe which children are participating and if they have understood and assimilated the objectives. I will look at the following evaluation criteria: Participate actively in classroom activities and with the class group. Distinguish between one season and another. It recognizes fall, winter, spring, and summer. The children know the characteristics of each season and will be able to identify the weather, nature, holidays, and clothing for each season.


In the writing center, the children are going to have journals. The journal will be divided into four different sections. In the journal, the children will be able to draw different characteristics of the season, write vocabulary words learned during the week and make drawings of their favorite activities they do in that season. I will evaluate the content of the children’s journal by the end of each week. Since we will work one station per week, I will be able to observe each child’s information on the corresponding season. These journals will help me assess how the students keep track of the singular characteristics of the different seasons.

Teaching Strategies Gold (TSG)

It is an evaluation that I will perform on children in preschool. It is a formative assessment where I will evaluate my student’s progress through the year on some achievements. This form of evaluation will be done quarterly throughout the school year. I will record descriptively what the students do, observing the manifestations of their work, their creativity, autonomy, their behavior, achievement of competencies, changes in their attitudes, and learning in the activities they carry out three times a year. This will allow me to get feedback on the necessary changes to help the development of the children.

Asking Questions

During our literacy circle, I will ask the children open-ended questions about the books we will read for each season. Asking questions to children during reading aloud encourages children to participate. It will make them become literary critics, analyze and comment on the book read, what they liked or disliked the most, and even investigate to find out more about them and expose it to their peers. The children will learn different knowledge from each child to exchange new ideas. At the end of each week, the children will participate in a trivia game to find out what they have learned throughout the week.